
WatchMePlay: One Finger Death Punch – Ode to Bruce Lee

How’s it going, good people! On this beautiful Sunday morning, I have another video from #WatchMePlay series.  This time I take a look at very addictive One Finger Death Punch.

If the title itself doesn’t convince you to pick up the game, the game design and control system surely will.

When you get fed up with all the AAA games available on the market, that try to get you spend a fortune using multi-million dollar marketing campaigns, One Finger Death Punch is a much appreciated refreshment.

Creators of the game set themselves one goal – make the game as simple, and as addictive, as possible. They have done it!  Controls consist only of Left and Right mouse buttons, and it is ultimately up to you to decide how complex the movements of your character get.

It is hard to describe the feeling of the game in writing, so you will have watch the video and see what this hype is all about!  If you have ever played and enjoyed Rock Band, or any other rhythmic game, you will feel right at home playing One Finger Death Punch.

I hope you will enjoy the video. What kind of games do you play when you take a break from BIG titles? Casual gaming is on the rise and I want to know what you think about it!


WatchMePlay: Rust – Surviving the First Day

Ever since being released on Steam Early Access, Rust has grown to have a very solid community supporting its development.

As a nod of acknowledgment and support for Rust, I made a #WatchMePlay video, showing how to survive your first day on Rust Island.  The reason I decided to start with a’survive-your-first-day’ type of video, was because I remember my first steps with the game; it was a process to figure out what works and what does not.  The video covers bare essentials of surviving and getting you set up for the next day.

As the game is being worked on, the developers are trying to make the game more accessible, and making sure that new players don’t struggle finding food or resources to keep them going.

Personally, the time where you start off just with a rock, a torch, and a couple of bandages is the most enjoyable part of the game, as I try to do everything possible to not starve to death and find a shelter to keep me safe.

Considering that the game is still in early alpha, Facepunch Studios are working on getting around all the bugs and implementing new features.  In one of their latest blog entries, authors wrote that they are currently working on an Item Editor, new User Interface, and introducing farming (yes, farming!) into the gameplay.

Rust has a long way before reaching its final state.  As new features pour in,  the game should have more balance and more ways to keep you entertained.

That is, only if you survive your first day.

Gameplay Walkthrough of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor – A Game You Are Secretly Waiting For

Those anticipating the new action/adventure game from Monolith Productions can now watch a new video containing gameplay footage from pre-alpha of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.

The video takes us several hours into the game and focuses on the “nemesis system” – a feature developed for the game, allowing surviving enemies to remember previous encounters with the protagonist, making future encounters unique and personal.

Considering it’s a pre-alpha footage, the graphics look very fluid and the fighting system resembles the one seen in the Batman games – Arkham Asylum and Arkham CIty.

Game is taking place during the time between the events of “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings,” and as a fan of Tolkien’s works, I cannot wait to see how this release will turn out.  The video definitely makes me hope for the best.

Do you think Shadow of Mordor has a chance of becoming a great title, or maybe will it end up just like other games based on Tolkien’s books?

Watch Dogs – 14 minutes of freedom

Ubisoft released a new gameplay video about their upcoming game, Watch Dogs.

Game’s Animation Director, Colin Graham, takes us on a free roaming adventure on which we get to see the outskirts of Chicago, side missions, and more preview on hacking mechanics.

One of the most interesting aspects of the game is “hacker vs. hacker” mode in which a real player tries to hack into our phone and we have to locate him before he is done. Single player campaign, interwoven with multiplayer, can add more thrill and irregularity to the gameplay.

Watch Dogs will come out on Xbox 360, PS3, PC, WiiU, as well as Xbox One and PS4. Release date is set to November 19, 2013.

source: Machinima

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 – Gameplay Trailer

The first half of Gamescom behind us and developers feed us more and more videos about their upcoming games.  One of the games that really seems to stand out is Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and its gameplay trailer.

Sequel to the Lords of Shadow looks and feels just like the previous game published in 2010.  Great level design filled with details, plethora of weapons to help you cut your way through the enemies, and epic bosses to head against come all together in this action filled game.

Konami’s Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is set to be released on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC’s on February 25, 2014.


Dying Light Gameplay – Dead Island meets Mirror’s Edge

Dying Light is another game set in a world filled with zombies. This time, however, the title adds a free running spin to the mechanics and this may just be the game you have been waiting for (excluding GTAV, everybody is waiting for that…).

The game looks great and very fluid. From the spot you can notice the Dead Island’s color palette and the Mirror’s Edge feeling to it.  According to Techland, you will face moral dilemmas and the world will react to your decisions as you go on. As the sun sets, the infected become more vicious and your job is to make sure they don’t find you.

Dying Light fans have to be patient, however. The game is set to be released in 2014.

GTA V Gameplay – before we jump to next gens.

For quite a while now, both Microsoft and Sony, have been feeding us information about their newest additions to the console family – Xbox One and PlayStation 4 (both set for release come Christmas shopping time). By now, everyone interested has been able to see the consoles’ hardware – design and respective specifications, as well as some of the software coming along – user content and extra features coming with each console (as well as their limitations).

But we do not care about any of this, for we are gamers! This is why instead of worrying about the extra content, we focus on a game that developers may draw on from, as the new consoles roll out this fall.

Developers from Rockstar were always able to get our interest for their upcoming games. Start with small teasers, follow by perfectly timed trailers and gameplays, and work your way up with hot news until the game’s release. At this point, boys and girls from Rockstar are living legends, so it was not surprising to see the excitement following the announcement of the game

With the next (next) generation consoles on the horizon, the new chapter of GTA series gets us closer to what we, gamers, should be expecting from games on both, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 – more visual fireworks, engaging game mechanics, and an open world to discover.

Keep an eye on:

1. Three different playable characters we can switch between in real time (let’s hope so!).

2. The amount of vehicles and activities available during off-mission time. Base jumping, diving, jet fighters, cycling, and tennis just to name a few.

3. Graphics may not be top shelf (mainly what we’ve been used to since GTA IV release), but the open world and its possibilities make our imagination work.

4. Heist mission briefings. We are finally able to have some influence over our team and the way we want to go about executing the mission.

5. Game mechanics itself. Shooting looks fluid and let us hope driving will feel more like driving and not attempting to navigate a ship.

With the new mode “GTA Online” announced, GTA V looks like one of the last must-have games for the 360′s and PS3′s, before they start collecting dust. Rockstar rarely leaves us disappointed and from what it looks like the new GTA will be a solid title worth its money. Tease away, Rockstar! We are waiting.